Complete technologies
Combining all key aspects of microbial technology development under one roof is one of our key advantages for rapidly and efficiently generating value of our clients’ R&D assets. Interdisciplinary research teams rapidly transfer new findings and successful approaches among production strain improvement, media and bioprocess development, scale up and DSP/isolation development, assuring fastest progress towards final goals. We ensure that all important parameters are considered throughout different stages of the development process, reducing project management
burden on the clients’ side and assuring timely and professional delivery of milestone targets and products.
Key parameters ensuring robustness and scalability in Acies Bio R&D:
- selection of candidate strains showing robust performance in different cultivation scale in each development step
- use of industrial grade media ingredients from microliter to pilot and production scale
- taking advantage of clients’ preferred approaches, existing technologies, and equipment for downstream development
- rapid development and optimization of analytical methods for in-process control and analysis of final products
- stable, dedicated and multidisciplinary research teams ensure smooth and effective transition of projects from lab stage to transfer to clients’ facilities